Woody Allen is one of the the busiest film directors and writers of our and our father's time. This guy is making movies from the year 1966! It's really been quite a remarkable journey of Mr. Allen. His movies are comic, weird and somewhat abnormal. Perhaps it would be easy to say that his movies are 'allenesque'. Like his movies, his movie posters have been quite minimalist and meaningful as well. It was quite a hard job to find out top 05 posters from the amount of artworks done for Allen's movie posters. But from all of those The Poster World found out best of the best 05 posters from this visionary yet peculiar maker. Here are those:
Bananas - 1971
'Banana or Arms?' |
A regular guy from New York turns into a revolutionary in Latin America. Yes, even the log line sounds quite funny. The film is one of the funniest movies ever made. It is one of the primary works of Woody Allen, that actually made him quite famous around the film critics of the World. The poster is absolutely funny and gives a comic stripe like feel. The character (Allen himself) is holding weapons and bananas on different hands, with probable girlfriends beside him. There are also many characters behind them as we can see a real war like situation all around. A great juxtaposed poster!
Vicky Cristina Barcelona - 2008
'Close Frame Complex Relations' |
One of the most critically and commercially successful films by Woody Allen. The film is all about weired but realistic human relations and psychology behind doing things about relation. Its a must-watch if you are in a fade up relation. The poster is simple and catchy. We can see three of our main characters of the film on a close frame. It actually means a lot of things rather easily. It questions the relation between these three characters, which is perhaps the basic 'what director wanted to say' of the film.
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger - 2010
'Poster without a Name' |
The film is made with an ensemble cast (like many other movies by Allen) of Antonio Banderas, Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, Gemma Jones, Freida Pinto, Naomi Watts and many many more. This film is all about faith and how relationships become complicated with the substance of faith. The poster is haunting as a female hand (mixed up with the outer white of the poster) closing on a head of a male. No name of the film! It's only possible on a Allen film.
Midnight in Paris - 2011
'Bit Bluish Paris' |
Woody Allen with a time travel story. Yes, I know there is nothing to be shocked with this information. Because it's Woody Allen. A scriptwriter is in search of inspiration from the people of the past who inspired the whole generation of writers, but he is on an awkward situation with his yet to become wife and her family in the present time. On the poster we can see the writer character travelling through the bluish roads of Paris. The sky is filled with starry sky painting of Vincent Van Gogh, symbolizing the memories and nostalgia from past. The poster is cool and very very meaningful.
Magic in The Moonlight - 2014
'Greenish' |
Colin Firth and Emma Stone. What a cast Allen has arranged. But the script actually was flawed and interrupted the motion of the movie. Though the poster of this film was quite fascinating and informative. Look at Emma Stone's hands. It's like she is trying to create some kind of spell. But the look of Firth is that he is not much convinced. The greenish background as well as fonts are spacious and interesting. All in all it's a very very good poster.
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