Iron & Wine is not a band as we understand bands. It's a one man band like many others on Western music arena.
Samuel 'Sam' Beam is an American singer-song writer who came to fame with his debut album
'The Creek Drank The Cradle'. His composition and voice are different compared to many contemporary artists and greatly influenced by the legendary artists like 'Simon & Garfunkel' and 'Nick Drake'. Till now
Iron & Wine has 6 studio albums, 2 compilations, 3 live albums and many singles.
Iron & Wine album covers are weired and has a sheer expressionist touch. They don't want to say much and give a deep inside image of artist's mind and manner. The Poster World presents to you 'really really strange' album covers of 06 studio albums by
Iron & Wine.
01. The Creek Drank The Cradle - 2002
'The Creek Drank The Cradle' |
This acclaimed debut album of Iron & Wine was released on a cardboard sleeve, where a reddish tree was painted at the left corner and beside the tree the artist and album name was printed. The whole composition is bit nihilist and also gives an impression of low-tone country-like folk music album.
02. Our Endless Numbered Days - 2004
'Our Endless Numbered Days' |
There is a song in the Album named 'Passing Afternoon', where the lyrics is something like- "There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days." OK! A certain duality on the album named inspired by a beautiful soothing song from the album. On the album cover, we can see a Mr. Beam look-alike person is sleeping (or maybe only his eyes are closed) on a bed of grass. There are indications of a calm and serene philosophy behind the album design. To me it's a very good match with the music Iron & Wine generates.
03. The Shepherd's Dog - 2007
'The Shepherd's Dog' |
The third album cover by Iron & Wine is more simplistic compared to two of the previous albums. A dog is painted with a purple reddish tone in front of yellow background and it seems like the dog is looking at something or someone with eagerness. One of the track of this album was used on the Hollywood film
'Twilight'. No, I still can't get a reason behind using a dog on the cover.
04. Kiss Each Other Clean - 2011
'Kiss Each Other Clean' |
Yes, Mr. Beam is sinking (or up to his knee only) on the water, standing in front of large unearthly peacocks and hills. It is enough to make this cover a good one. But what makes the cover of the album unique is it's ghost like look and dream like subtleness. Album songs have similar characteristics.
05. Ghost on Ghost - 2013
'Ghost on Ghost' |
The fifth album of Iron & Wine by the name of 'Ghost on Ghost' probably has the most realistic cover of all other albums by them. Obviously we can see a close enough couple hanging out to some corner. But the whole incident (or only the significant portion) is locked on a larger than life frame. On a tiny space the names were printed. The whole composition seems like an Epitaph. OK... now we can relate it with ghost. Yes!
06. Sing into My Mouth - 2015
'Sing into My Mouth' |
The album is a cooperation of Iron & Wine with rock singer Ben Bridwell, who is famous for his band
'Band of Horses'. Again, this cover is a painting. I guess the guy on right is Bridwell, as he looks the same these days and he is comment clouding something. Let me think, it's 'Cheers!'. The album is releasing on 17th July, 2015.
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